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        Wine for sale: Couhins

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        The vineyards of Graves have a long history: it is here that the first rows of vines, that were to gradually encircle Aquitaine's capital, were planted in Roman times, and the first wines were produced. The name Graves appeared in the Middle Ages, designating the region upstream of Bordeaux, between the left bank of the Garonne and the Landes. The next development was for Sauternes to become a separate area, devoted to sweet wines. Stretching about 50 kilometres, the region owes its name to the nature of the soil: terraces created by the Garonne left a wide variety of stony debris (consisting of gravel and pebble from the Pyrenees and the Massif Central). Since 1987 the wines have not all been produced under the Graves appellation, the Pessac-Léognan area to the north was granted a specific appellation, while at the same time keeping the possibility of labelling its wines Vin de Graves, Grand Vin de Graves or Cru Classé de Graves. The vines are very well-balanced between white (1,140 hectares) and red (2,500 hectares) varieties. Graves' red wines are among the most typical of the Gironde. Their bouquet of violets, with a hint of smoke, make them easily distinguishable from other wines.


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