Wine for sale: Château Dillon

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Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

Château Dillon

Also known as Château Terrefort, after the former seigniorial domain on which it was built, Château Dillon was constructed in late the 17th or early 18th century, on the site of a fortress that was probably medieval. It was named after the Dillon family. At the turn of the century the vineyard was in a state of decline. Today, the property has been revived by the Bordeaux-Blanquefort Lycée Viticole, and Château Dillon remains one of just five crus bourgeois in this commune, which used to have 32 in 1824. In 1963 the Lycée enlarged the property by buying most of the plots that belonged to Château Breillan and has restored this excellent cru bourgeois to its former high standard.

15 (starting price)
32 (current price)
Price estimate for Château Dillon