Saint James Of. Royal Ambré (70cl.) ----(amber)
Wine label
Image on bottom of wine label
Current price estimate
(75cl format)
Saint James Of. Royal Ambré (70cl.) on sale
Saint James Of. Royal Ambré (70cl.)
About the producer

In the second half of the 18th century, Martinique became a major sugar producer. The Trou Vaillant habitation, managed by the Brothers of Charity, was home to stills used to distil molasses residue to raise financial support for the Saint-Pierre military hospital at the foot of Mount Pelée which they ran. Father Edmond Lefébure, the head of the congregation, took matters into hand and organized the export of excess rum supplies to the English colonies in North America, as it was illegal to export the product to France to prevent competition with wine-based spirits. It was sold under the name Saint James, which was easier for the English to pronounce and named after Saint Jacques, one of the estate’‘s habitations. In the 19th century, Martinique became a leading rum producer. The brand was registered in 1882 after it was bought by Paulin Lambert, a Marseilles businessman who purchased several habitations and oversaw the production of rum and its export to mainland France, making the most of the Restoration to acquire properties from religious orders that had been nationalized during the French Revolution. Lambert was also behind the square-shaped bottle found today and used for the first vintage rum released by the house in 1885. The brand became a huge success despite the damage caused by the eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902. The company was bought by Cointreau in 1973, who grouped all the facilities together in Sainte-Marie.

About the wine

Saint James Royal Ambré is a rhum agricole from Martinique aged in oak casks. It is particularly well suited to cocktails, recipes for which are found on the back label.

Consult price estimate for Saint James
Characteristics of the producer and cuvée

Region : Martinique - Martinique

Producers and wineries : Saint James

Colour : amber

Appellation : Saint James

Viticulture : conventional More information....

Service temperature :

The information published above presents the current characteristics of the wine. They are not vintage specific. This text is corrected by copyright. It is forbidden to copy without prior written consent from the author.
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