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        Wine for sale: Robert Michel

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Robert Michel

        Robert Michel has been running the family domain in Cornas, a few metres from Alain Voge's property, for several decades. Representing the fourth generation of winegrowers, he began his career in the 1970s and after many years selling his wine to the trade he released his first vintage in 2006. Robert Michel is renowned for having raised the standing of Cornas vineyards and championing traditional winemaking techniques. This means manual harvests, fermentation with indigenous yeasts, and élevage in used oak barrels. Today, his property extends over 5 hectares and boasts the superb, south-facing hillside plot of La Genayle with its granite and gneiss soil. His wines embody the Cornas tradition.


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