Wine for sale: Roc d'Anglade

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Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

Roc d'Anglade

Rémy Pedreno is a former IT engineer who has now switched his area of specialisation to the vines… and not just any vines! His ten hectares, located in Langlade in the Gard, have a northerly exposure and consequently benefit from a superb cool climate. He works outside the appellation, which gives him free rein in producing his vins de pays. The domain is recognised for its talent and diversity, and the adventure continues: Rémy Pedreno has just planted new parcels in the limestone terroir of Les Mégères, in Langlade.

35 (starting price)
60 (current price)
Price estimate for Roc d'Anglade