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        Wine for sale: Beaujolais 2013

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        Beaujolais | 2013 vintage

        After a less successful vintage in 2012, compared to the superb trio of 2009, 2010 and 2011, Beaujolais is back on form in 2013 and wines from this year generally have a beautiful deep colour. A little like everywhere else, this vintage was late to develop as the vast majority of grapes were harvested at the end of September - something that last happened 20 years ago!

        Although spring was precarious in the Beaujolais region, the Gamay grape thrived in the fine, sunny, summer weather and the vines were in good health at harvest time, meaning higher crop volumes than in 2012.

        After taking longer to mature, this vintage is highly drinkable, full, fruity and deep. Morgon and Fleurie have been very successful this vintage (this is also the appellation area with the highest number of quality winegrowers, which must explain something...). And to a slightly lesser extent so have Côte de Brouilly, Moulin-à-Vent and Saint-Amour.





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