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        Wine for sale: Tuthilltown

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes


        United States, New York. Distillery operational. Owner: William Grant & SonsThe first distillery built in the state of New York since Prohibition was announced in 1920, Tuthilltown was granted a distillation licence in 2003. Riding on the new trend for micro-distilleries, its then owners Ralph Erenzo and Brian Lee began producing whiskey using local resources and developed four versions of their whiskey, Baby Bourbon, Manhattan Rye, New York Corn and Four Grain Bourbon.William Grant & Sons, the family-owned Scottish owner of Glenfiddich and Balvenie, then bought the Hudson brand in 2010, followed by the distillery in 2017. Since then, the distillery has undergone large-scale development and now also produces gin and vodka.


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        Price estimate for Tuthilltown