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        Wine for sale: Buisson Battault

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        Photo d'arrière plan en noir et blanc montrant la lumière du soleil à travers des vignes

        Buisson Battault

        Located in Meursault, Domaine Buisson Battault is now managed by François Buisson, a producer with 8 hectares of vines that span across 14 appellations. He took his first steps in wine making with his father André who began his career in wine at the end of the Second World War. François went to a viticultural school before joining his father on the estate. He now runs the domain on his own and has settled in his grandparents' former home. As a wine grower with a good head for farming, François ploughs his soil to preserve microbial life, bans the use of herbicides, and applies organic fertilisers. Another feature of his process is pruning, a method that brings a good concentration to the grapes. The harvests are carried out by hand to optimise the quality of the grapes. In the winery, François' aim is to bring out the terroir via elegant wines that can be enjoyed young or after some ageing. He matures his cuvées on lees for a good year in oak casks. The bigger names are vatted for a further six months. And it is the lunar calendar that guides this work from start to finish.


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        Price estimate for Buisson Battault